I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, July 31, 2020
In Wananga we have been working on giving people deep compliments. We had a piece of paper and we could draw something in the middle and then we would go round writing compliments. Instead of writing surface compliments like "Your really nice", "I like your hair today", "You have have a good smile" or something like that. For a deeper compliment you could say "You are a very caring person and you help put your friends" it has to be meant from the heart. The compliments that really hit me were "You always come out as a warm and a friendly person" and "Such a good friend to others and funny". I felt really good but also surprised that I got really good compliments. I felt like people actually cared about me and could see deeper things about me. When I gave compliments I felt good that someone was getting something really nice and could see the good side of themselves.
What is a theatre green room?
![Image result for what is a theatre green room?]()
In show business the green room is a space in most theatre rooms or similar venues that function as waiting rooms and lounges rooms for the performance before.
14th August:
F - Focus
A - Action - Script
R - Roles - Stereotypes / Hero / Heroine
T - Time - Victorian
T - Tension - Pangst provocation / Penalties
S - Space - Stage / Theatre
In scholarly and historical musical contexts, melodramas are Victorian dramas in which orchestral music or song was used to accompany the action. The term is now applied to stage performances without music, novels, movies, television and radio broadcasts.
Melodrama was very popular when it first came out in Britain in the 1800s. The actors became very famous and the common story lines soon became well known. Lots of plots centred on emotions such as suffering a romance. They styles of acting could be described as stylised. if you were to watch it today you would call it `over the top`. The characters were all `larger than life` and required the actors to use a lot of energy when playing them.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Politcal party's
Today we were deciding who our leader was in our group. in our group we have Shontelle, Anneleise, Keyana and me. We have been brainstorming The elected leader, Slogan, Name of party, and what is our party known for. We chose Shontelle to be our elected leader and our party is known for being against discrimination. We are still thinking about a Slogan, Logo and name of party.
31st July
Today we got our Logo, Name of party, Slogan and some of our policies and we also changed the elected leader. The elected leader is now me and our party name is Anti Discrimination. Our slogan is "Stop Discrimination for a better nation". Also our logo is:
Next week we have to finish the policies, start the manifesto and I will have to write my leaders speech.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Photo montage - Photography Art
In art we have been looking at montage photos. A montage photo is a combination of cut and or torn pieces from different photos. You then merge them together and it will turn into something like this.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
End of life act: Referendum
Today we were discussing about if people should get the choice to end their life. Its pretty much giving you the chance to end your life if you have a terminal illness. You can only be over the age of 18 and doctors will only accept it if your life will end in 6 months anyways. It is mainly for people that are always stuck in bed and need a caretaker to get taken care off, people like that who will only get sicker could have the chance to take their life. You have to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident for this to happen. Doctors will also select the method and timing of when this would happen. There are a few ways they could do this like and IV drip, medication and things like that. If you want this to happen and you always say yes and by the time comes you are allowed to change your mind if you wanted. There will need to be 2 doctors that accept your wish but if there isn't then you would have to suffer till its your time.
People don't need to suffer from the pain.
Its your own choice about how your life ends.
Its a hard decision taken away from loved ones.
Some doctors my disagree with your death.
Its still suicide.
Goes against peoples beliefs/values.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Cannabis Referendum 2020
We are learning more about the cannabis vote.
If I could vote I would probably vote yes. I would vote this because even if cannabis is still illegal there would still be people that would sell/smoke it. If it goes legal then there will obliviously rules about where you smoke it, how old you have to be and stuff like that.
They should make it legal because even if its illegal there will still be people that will sell/smoke cannabis.
You won't be able to sell/smoke on public property.
Create more jobs.
You know what you are buying.
You know who is growing/ who your getting the supplies from.
People under 20 will not has assess to cannabis.
If it is legal it will be over priced.
Create drug addicts.
Damage mental health.
Still can't stop illegal selling.
Drugs can cause you to do bad things.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Refraction and reflection
We are working on Refection and Reflection, we had some equipment in a light box we could use to bend the light. At 10 degrees it bent the angle to 8 degrees. At 20 degrees it bent the light to 15 degrees. at 30 degrees it was 20 degrees. at 40 degrees it was 20 degrees as well.
Aim: To investigate how different types of lenses refract light.
Equipment: Triple-slit ray slide, power supply, a concave lens and a convex lens.
1. Set up ray box, triple-slit ray slide and power supply.
2. Place the convex lens in the space on your paper. Place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the three rays of the light at the lens. Make sure the central light ray hits the lens at 90 degrees as indicated in the diagram.
3. Carefully trace the direction of the incoming and refracted rays.
4. Repeat using the concave lens.
When the light through this type of lens, the rays all move away (diverge) from each other. One use of these lenses is in security peepholes in a door so that when the person on the inside of the room can see who is at the door without having to open it.
That paragraph is call a Concave.
When light passes through this type of lens, they rays all move towards (converge) each other. One use of these lenses is in a camera, to focus the light onto the film or digital sensor. Magnifying glasses also use this type of lens.
That paragraph is called Convex.
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