
Friday, May 31, 2019

Helpful, thoughtful and positive comments

Today we had to create a presentation about helpful, thoughtful, and positive comments. I made my presentation on slides and this is what it looks like.

Did this help you make better comments? I hope it does.
Have a good day!

Stop Motion journey

Today is presenting day for our Stop Motion. Luckily we actually finished, it was a very stressful time. Our stop motion was called Jack and the bully and it is about a boy named Jack and he gets bullied by these other to boys named Nick and Hurculeys. We had a few choices on what to make our stop motion on and the choices were, Clay, Lego and Whiteboard. My group did a mix of Clay and Lego and it actually turned out really well. 

This is what our Stop Motion looks like.

Some of it might look a bit off but that is because it didn't have any text in it that's why there's background music. 
I hope you like our movie have you have a good day!

Maths DLO

In maths I have been working on a DLO about what my favourite maths strategy is. My favourite is the column strategy because it is really easy to use. Here is my DLO.


I hope you understand the strategy I used to make this DLO and it is helpful.
Have a nice day.