
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

PE Blog

 Reflection of Level of engagement 

Date: 26/10/21 Activity: Gymnastics 

My level of effort and engagement today (circle one grade below)

Not Achieved



Why have you placed yourself at this level? Give supporting evidence. (Refer to the criteria from the  Resource.)

I was motivated by my friends because they know my skills and how far I can go with them. They motivated me to try new skills and that I could get better at them. I was always organised with my PE gear and if I didn’t have it I would explain why.

  • Motivated and reliable in the practical context

Highlight any factors that influenced your participation today and add any others that were important to you for this activity.




Sense of achievement

Pushes body to physical or mental limit

Can go at own pace

Social factors (able to do with friends; choose own group)

Aesthetic appeal

Environmental appreciation



Equipment needed



  • Being organised and prepared for the activities

  • Attempting to improve their level of performance

  • Reflecting on own performance

  • Seeks to improve their performance through development of skills well-being and fitness

  • With preparedness to accept challenges that are outside of their comfort zone

  • With a consistent effort to develop and improve their own success and the experiences of others.

Explain how and why these factors influenced your participation.

While doing gymnastics I was interested in what I could do. I tried doing heaps of activities and seeing what I could do. In my opinion I did really well at floor, trampoline and I achieved the said activities for the Mini tramp. 

Resource : Criteria for active participation

Profiles: A student who actively participates to this level would display the majority of these indicators:




Participate actively in a variety of physical activities

Participate actively in a variety of physical activities with a high level of effort and engagement

Participate actively in a variety of physical activities with a consistently high level of effort and engagement

This could include:

  • Being organised and prepared for the activities

  • Demonstrating skills related to the activity

  • Being actively involved in the task

  • Attempting to improve their level of performance

  • Seeking to engage in the context of the practical environment

  • Contributing to the team by taking up a role or functional position

  • Reflecting on own performance

  • Contributing to the activity, even if injured

  • Tries to improve through practice in the physical activity.

  • Motivated and reliable in the practical context

  • Resourceful and enterprising

  • Works hard towards the goal or objective of the activity

  • Supports the development of others by assisting with their needs when required

  • Enhances the experience of other participants by adding their own input to the activity

  • Shows enjoyment of the intent of the activity

  • Seeks to improve their performance through development of skills well-being and fitness

  • Does their best.

  • Across a wide range of activities and in a number of settings

  • With preparedness to accept challenges that are outside of their comfort zone

  • Whilst fully engaging themselves in the learning environment

  • With a consistent effort to develop and improve their own success and the experiences of others.

To gain Merit, the student will display the majority of the indicators for Achieved and Merit. For Excellence, the student will display the majority of the indicators in all three achievement criteria.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Music Reflection.


  1. I enjoyed playing the piano and learning new skills, I felt that I have learnt a lot from it. 

  2. I learnt new songs and what the notes are in piano.

  3. Yes I performed to Mrs Beer. I performed a piano piece that I was learning and it was called Hear and Soul.

  4. Next year I want to continue with piano.