
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Ecosystem project

 How does a turtle show MRS GREN?


Sea turtles have flippers instead of feet. That allows them to move quickly through the water. Terrestrial turtles have a streamlined shape of their shell and they cant pull their head and legs into their shell. 


Sea turtles tend to lay their eggs into a nest that is dug into the sand. Terrestrial turtles live and mate on land, they use their hind legs to dig a nest and when the female turtles is ready she can deposit the eggs. The bigger the turtle that bigger the egg and the more they will have. 


Turtles can feel pressure and pain through their shells, as humans can feel pressure though fingernails. Turtles do not have ears like ours but they can feel vibrations and changes in water pressure, that tell's them where there is food and or a predator

Growth: Between the ages of 5 and 10 the turtles tend to grow at a rate of 8mm per year. From the age 10 - 15 they grow at 2.5mm per year. Hatch lings have a carapace length of about 1.5 cm. You should expect the turtle to grow steadily over the next 5 years. 


Technically the term respiration, not so much breating as just diffusing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out, but the fact remains when turtles hibernate their main source of oxygen is form their butt. 


Most land based vertebrates produce urine to get rid of water soluble toxic waste. Some researchers found that the Chinese soft-shelled turtles get rid of 6 percent of their urea through the kidneys. They also discovered a high concentration of urea in the turtles saliva. 


Is it also a source of several micronutrients and it includes. 


Vitamin B12






Some times turtles are lacking when it comes to 

Essential Omega-3 fatty acids,

Vitamins A and C


Adult sea turtles have a few predators mostly large sharks and Tiger sharks. One thing that is known for eating sea turtles are Killer whales. 

Polar Bear: 

Their adaptations include 

A white appearance - for camouflage from prey on the snow/ice. 

Thick layers of fat and fur - for insulation against the cold. 

A small surface area to volume ratio - To minimise heat loss. 

Adult polar bears have no natural predators except for other polar bears. Cubs that are younger than 1 years old sometimes are prey to wolves and other carnivores. Newborn cubs may be cannibalized by malnourished mothers and adult male polar bears. 


Friday, September 10, 2021

Keyboard Reflection

 1. What have you learnt on the keyboard/piano?

- I've learnt how to play some songs and what the notes mean. Also I've learnt how to read the notes and know how to play it. 

2. What did you find challenging about learning the keyboard/piano?

- It took me a while to get some songs but its all about the coordination.

3. What have you enjoyed about this instrument?

- I really enjoy learning piano because its fun and its a good way to enjoy music. 

4. What instrument would you like to learn next and way?

I wouldn't mind playing Guitar because I used to be really interested in guitars and how they play.