
Thursday, June 27, 2019

The water Cycle



The Cycle processes by which water circulates between the Earths ocean's, atmosphere and land involving precipitation as it rains and snow. It will eventually evaporate then it will condense and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. 

Scientific words:

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapour cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.

We will be conducting an experiment that looks at the different ways that climate change is affecting the water cycle.


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1.  Plastic zip lock bag
  2.  Marker
  3.  1 cup of water
  4.  2 drops of food colouring
  5. litmus paper
  6. soda water


  1.  Find your group of 3
  2.  Get materials  
  3.  Draw the water cycle on the bag
  4.  Put 1 cup of water in the bag
  5.  Put 2 drops of food colouring in the bag of water

Two Images:

 Jun 27, 2019 1:02:56 PM.jpg

Image result for the water cycle

Conclusion: The water cycle is basically the earths cycle. Its goes round and round with Evaporation, Condensation, precipitation and transpiration. The water cycle is water from the sea because then it will evaporate and it will go into the clouds then it will come back when it rains. I will have more of an conclusion and findings when we next have science.

For the second bag we used soda water. We used soda water because it has carbon dioxide in it so it will create moisture in the bag. We put a piece of litmus paper in the bag so over a few days it will turn into a orange ish red colour. The litmus paper changes colour because of the carbon dioxide. It starts of yellow and it will change into red when the carbon dioxide comes out of the soda water and it will create moisture, then it will go into the litmus paper and turn it into red.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Science Badges

Science Badges:

Image result for science badge  


  • Climate Science
  • Global Warming
  • Recycling
  • Renewable Energy
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Ecology
  • Our Planet
  • Water
  • Plants
  1. 15 Points are needed to get a badge
  2. A high standard of work.
  • All experiments are written up ( Aim, Materials, Steps, Conclusion)
  • Two photos of your experiment
6 sentences at least for a conclusion

  • Lesson 1: This will be an Experiment that involves blogging. You will be expected to open a new post, copy Mr Palmer's blog and paste it on your new post.
  • Lesson 2: This will be an Investigation that relates to the topic from Lesson 1. It will be own choice and displayed in a way that you prefer. For example - PowerPoint, Doc, etc


All the blogs and science lessons will be displayed on Mr Palmers blog: 

Bookmark it!

  • 1 blog must be completed per Hurumanu lesson.
  • A completed blog must have the four headings ( Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion), correct writing and punctuation under each heading and be published. No post, no points.
  • 2 images of the experiment / investigation on the blog.
Using the Scientific method of investigation:

Aim: What the experiment / investigation is about.
Method: Instructions on how the experiment / investigation is carried out. This includes the equipment.
Findings: What have we learnt or found out from our experiment / investigation. This is called Data, Information or Facts. It is displayed in a chart, table or picture.

Conclusion: 2 hurumanu science goals: 
  • I am going to focus on my punctuation
  • Using more descriptive words to make my conclusions more detailed.
  • Always have it least 2 photos in my blog post.
  • Always get my blog post finished and posted on my blog.



  • What animals keep our jackets warm?
  • There are heaps of animals that keep our jackets warm the animals are Coyotes, Beavers, Red foxes, Mink, Fishers, River Otters, Marten and Weasels,  
  • What animal makes our boots waterproof?
  • Ducks are the animals that makes are boots water proof.
  • Where does the water in our rivers come from?
  • Most of the the water flowing through the rivers come from precipitation runoff from the surrounding landscape. The water in the rivers doesn't all come from surface runoff. Rain falling on the land also seeps into the Earth to form ground water. It also come from melting snow.
  • Why do we need healthy rivers?

  • We need healthy rivers because healthy rivers can produce so much for us. food, medicines, building materials, land-replenishing silts, and more.

  • What are some of the good things about mosquitoes?
  • If mosquitoes went extinct the insects that feed off their larvae would suffer. They would suffer because they feed of mosquitoes larvae. They also clean the water.  
  • Why are bees dying?
  • Bees are dying because of colony collapse disorder. This disorder causes significant economic losses because many farm land crops worldwide are pollinated by western honey bees.
  • What do bugs do to our leaves?
  • Recycle.
  • Reduce.
  • Reuse.
  • How much dung would we be in if there were no dung decomposers?
  • There wouldn't be much dung because we need it to put it in jackets and clothing. We get it from animals that live in cold habitats like sheep.
  • Who runs this planet?
Mother nature runs this planet.

Fossil Fuels

Image result for oil rig
Image result for coal mining
Aim: To look at how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and how we can prevent this.

Definition of Fossil Fuels:
You can find fossil fuels underground and in the ocean. The 3 departments of fossil fuels are things like oil, gas and coal. Fossil fuels can be solid's, liquid's and gases.

Scientific Terms for Students
  • coal: a dark-brown to black solid substance formed naturally from the compaction and hardening of fossilized plants and used as a fuel primarily for electricity generation
  • natural gas: a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that occurs naturally beneath the earth’s surface and is used as a fuel primarily for cooking and heating homes
  • renewable resource: a resource that is never used up (e.g., solar energy)
  • non-renewable resource: a resource that is not replaceable after its use (e.g., coal, gas)

Examples of Fossil Fuels:
  1.  Coal
  2.  Gas
  3.  Oil


In groups of 3 you will learn about different fossil fuels and the way they are mined?
Each group will be given a fossil fuel. The recorder will read it to the group. The recorder will write down some of the important points.
Person 1: Recorder: to write down 5 points of interest from the text. 
  1. 5 Points:
  2. Positives and negatives of your type of mining.
Person 2: Reporter: to read back to the class their 5 points of interest.
Person 3: Collector: Gathers the required stationary from the teacher.

Mining Fossil Fuels

What Fossil Fuels are mined?
How are they mined?

1. Drilling method can help extract liquid and or gases that can be forced to the surface. 
2. Mining is used to extract solid fossil fuels such as coal by digging, scraping or other wise exposing buried resources.  

Where are they mined?

1. You can find fossil fuels around the surface of the Earths crust. 
2. Deep within the Earth through underground mining.


On the sheet provided you need to make two drawings of your cookie. 
1. looking down at it. 
2. side on -  of the imaginary habitat that will live on the top of the cookie. ( trees, buses, flax, sea, etc)


  1.  Cookie
  2.  Plate 
  3.  Pencil
  4.  Sheet of paper 
  5. Tooth pick
  1. Get materials.
  2. Draw your Cookie before hand.
  3. Draw your habitat. 
  4. Answer the questions below.
  5. Mine your Cookie.
  6. Draw the after version of your Cookie.
  7. Draw the after version of your habitat.
  8. Answer the questions below.
Once you have drawn your cookies you must take 2 pictures and upload them to your blog.

Findings: What did you find out as a result of your mining?
A lot of my cookie got destroyed and it was a mess.

Conclusion: Don't mine in the ground because it will be a big mistake. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Drama Hurumanu

On Tuesday we had our drama hurumanu. We had a sheet of paper and we had right down 3 people that inspire us to be physically active. I wrote down 3 of my dance teachers because I love to dance. My dance teacher's Zoe and Denice they are dance teachers for my dance school. The types of dancing Zoe does is Jazz, Lucidity, Ballet and Musical theatre. Denice does Ballet, Jazz and Lucidity. For the hot seat we had to interview someone in our group and make up questions for them. They had to act like they were their favourite sporty person they they were inspired by. I worked in a group with Addyson and Shontelle. Shontelle got the chance to be interviewed and she had to pretend to be her favourite netballer Temalisi Fakahokotau. Here is our  interview. 

This is the slide show. It has links on it about being physically active and how can you help your Physical well being. 

I was really nervous doing the hot seating because I don't really perform in front of the class but in drama we do. I will eventually get used to it and it will be fine.

If I had a goal to set my goal will be to practise my dances for about 2 hours so I know all the steps and know how the dances go.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Drama Hurumanu

On Tuesday we started our Drama Hurumanu and we played some games. The games we played were 16 steps, Tequila, Two truths and a lie, Copy circle, Yes lets and Statues. 
We also did a freeze frame about the 4 aspects of Hauora which is Physical well being (Taha Tinana) Mental/emotinal wellbeing (Taha Hinengaro) Social wellbeing (Taha Whanau) spiritual wellbeing (Taha wairua). Here are the photos of my groups 4 aspects of Hauora:

 Taha Tinana
 Taha Hinengaro
 Taha Wairua 
Taha Whanau

Drama to me was really fun we played heaps of fun game's and activity's and learnt heaps more about Hauroa.
One of the activity's we played were a activity'y where you would have to go around the room and right down things to help your well being about the the 4 aspects of Hauroa.

Freeze frames were about the 4 aspects of Hauroa. We had to think about a pose for each aspect and freeze for about 3 seconds on each pose and then you get a photo taken of your freeze frame.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Climate change

  Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.

As you watch the video answer these questions:

What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?

There will be to much pollution in our oceans and land so our globe may not be healthy for the human race to live in. So that means climate change.

How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
  1.   Climate change will affect the globe because there will be to much pollution in our oceans and our land. 
  2. When you drive cars it lets out carbon monoxide into our air and it will create pollution.
  3.   Our water temperature is rising so that means our water levels will rise and it could possibly flood our little islands that we have around the world.
  4. The temperatures are rising so the ice will melt and it will make our ocean water levels rise. 
What is needed to change history? 
You can't change the past but if we do something now to try save our planet it will help heaps. To help you can put your rubbish in the trash so there not as much pollution.

Is climate change a man made disaster? 
Yes because were the ones who is not putting our trash in the rubbish bins and were not treating our planet they way it is meant to be treated.

Dramatic action must be made in the next __ years to change it?
We need to do something in the next 10 years to change the climate.

Why is our climate changing?
It is changing because were not looking after it properly there is a huge amount of pollution, the temperatures are rising.

What is causing the warming trend of the climate?
Carbon dioxide is forming a blanket so heat from the sun goes through the blanket then it will hit the Earth. Normally it would bounce back up but it can't because the dioxide blanket stops it from going back up to the sun. The heat will bounce back up to the dioxide blanket and back to the Earths atmosphere and it just goes back and forth. 

What is the main problem?
Climate Change. Climate change means there is heaps of pollution and different types of gases flowing through the air. The ice is melting so if we don't do anything now there might not even be a Antarctica or any other place similar.

What are examples of these?
Some of the animals aren't surviving because it is getting to hot for them. Antarctica is melting 3x more than it was 25 years ago, Greenland is melting 5x more than it did 25 years ago there melting because its so hot.  

Burning fossil fuels releases what gas?
When you burn fossil fuels there is natural gases that comes from it. It is mainly carbon dioxide that it getting released when you dig down and find fossil fuels.

How much hotter now is our world?
the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius 1.4° Fahrenheit since 1880.

What do we call this global warming?
Another name for global warming is climate change.

How is this affecting creatures / animals like bats?
Our planet is getting a lot hotter than it is usually is. That means some of our animals can not survive in the heat. 

What percentage of species are near extinction?
Around the world there is 99.9 percent of special that are near extinct.

How could this effect the world ecosystems?
Each organism has its own part and reason. when we introduce factors such as too much carbon dioxide or methane. It destroys the balance of the ecosystem which in turn affects those who live in it. The results is global warming.

What global change was seen and recording breaking last year?
2018 was the 4th hottest year on record. It was 1.5 Fahrenheit more on average set between 1951 and 1980.

How is climate change affecting our weather systems?
1. Its getting to hot and the ice is melting.
2. Since the ice is melting our water temperatures are rising
3. If the water temperatures are rising then the water levels will rise.

What is another effect of climate change?
temperature of the earth change, due to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases.

What will happen if the ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic?
There will be to much water and the water levels will rise.

How does this affect people?
This might affect people because the snow fall, stream flow and other factors that affect the water supplies.

What other things affect oceans change?
Pollution is a big reason why our oceans can change.

What does too much heat do to the coral?
To much heat will kill the coral. Humans pump more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Thats trapping extra heat and it is causing the surface of the planet to be warm. Surface warming accounts for only about 7% of the extra heat that our planet is taking on.

Why did some industries not want to stop burning fossil fuels?
Maybe they were a bit to greedy and didn't want to stop because that is a way to keep building more buildings and facility's.  


Investigate the different Fossil Fuels listed?

  1. Oil

Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energies.


Image result for solar
Solar is our sun that produces energy for us and gives us sunlight that goes into electricity. concentrated solar power systems use lenses and or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam.
Image result for wind
Wind energy is a type of form of solar energy. Wind energy describes the process by which is used to generate electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power, and a generator can convert mechanical into electricity.
Image result for Waves

Wave power is the capture of energy of wind waves to do useful work. for example:
electricity generation, water desalination, or pumping water. A machine that exploits wave power is a wave energy converter.


Image result for Hydro

Flowing water creates energy that can be captured and turned into electricity. This is called hydroelectric power or hydro power. The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir.
Write a reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect us.

I think climate change will affect us by not being a safe place for us to live in because of all the pollution.